Welcome to the Henley School Sports page. All the information that you need to know regarding all sports on offer at Henley School can be found here. If you have any queries, please contact Cade Armstrong (Teacher in Charge of Sport) or Gary Walker (Sports Co-ordinator). Gary can be reached by emailing sports@henley.school.nz. The School's phone number is 544 8904.
Sports information is available on this page and at the school office. Registrations are made via parent's myKindo accounts. When registrations open a notice is placed on the school's Facebook page and children are advised through the daily notices read out in class each morning. Please ensure that registrations are completed promptly. Once children have been placed in teams (apart from volleyball) each child will be given a team list with their team member's names on it as well as the coach's name and contact details. Volleyball team lists are posted on the sports noticeboard.
The sports noticeboard is located outside Room 13. This is where you can find draws, cancellation notices and also holiday programme information. Team lists are also posted here for teams that are involved in Interschool events.
Each Middle and Senior Syndicate student is required to sign a Sporting Code of Conduct each year and this document is kept in the Student Portfolio. To view the Sporting Code of Conduct, click here.
Sports Uniform
All children are to wear the Henley School blue top and blue shorts/skort.
Sports uniform may be provided by the school for some events.
School sports events
The following are events which the whole school is involved in;
Term 1 - Swimming Sports (held at Nayland Park Pool in Stoke)
Term 2 - Cross Country
Term 4 - Athletics Day
The school also holds a Triathlon for Years 3 to 6 children in Term 4. There are also school tournaments and events for other codes held throughout the year and children will bring information home for these when they occur.
Athletics Richmond
www.sporty.co.nz/athleticsrichmondAthletics Nelson
www.athletics.nelson.co.nzNelson Schools Cross Country League. Each year the Nelson Schools Cross Country League takes place in Autumn. Four races are held over consecutive Saturdays. Points are awarded for places across all age divisions, with separate point systems for girls and boys, to find the winning school at the end of the competition. Students who have registered to run for our school should wear their Henley sports uniform for the races.
Terms 2 and 3
Year 5 and 6 children
Games played at the Saxton Stadium on Fridays and start from 4.00pm
Mouthguards are compulsory.
Contact Jack at Nelson Basketball at 547 6419 or email him at operations@nelsonbasketball.co.nz
Click here for full information for 2025
3 x 3 Basketball
Terms 2 and 3
Year 3 & 4 children
Held at Jack Robins Stadium
Mouthguards are compulsory
Games are on Thursdays and start from 3.30pm
Term 1
Year 1 to 6 children
Held at the Jack Robin Stadium on Mondays
For more information contact Trudi McLeod at juniors@wttu.org.nz
All registration are made through Waimea Toi Toi United Cricket Club
Terms 1 & 4
Smash Play - Years 1 to 6
Skill sessions and fun games
Played at Jubilee Park on Saturday mornings at 9.00am
8th Grade and 9th Grade - Years 5 & 6
Hardball games are played at various grounds in the region on Saturday mornings
Children must have an abdominal guard or 'box'
Terms 1 & 4
Year 1 to 6 children
Games are played at Saxton Field on Thursdays
Games are at either 4.00pm, 4.30pm or 5.00pm
$15.00 per term
Please click here for more information for Term 1 2025 Mini Football
Terms 2 & 3
Football is run within clubs. Two of the local clubs are as follows:
Richmond Athletic (based at Jubilee Park) www.richmondathletic.co.nz
Nelson Suburbs (based at Saxton Field) www.nelsonsuburbs.co.nz
Futsal runs throughout the year on a term by term basis. For more information and/or to register please email nbfadmin@mainlandfootball.co.nz
Run by Nelson Bays Football
Every year Henley School enters a team in the Primary Schools Gymnastics Festival.
This is held at the Mosey-Grayson Memorial Gym at the back of Nelson Intermediate.
Click here for 2024 information
Register online by going to the Nelson Hockey website www.nelsonhockey.org.nz or contact the club at 547 9988.
Nelson Hockey also runs Holiday Programmes throughout the year. Information and registration forms for these can be found on their website.
www.nelsonnetball.co.nz or contact them at 547 4450
Terms 2 & 3
Games are played at the Saxton Field netball courts or in the stadium
Years 1 & 2
games played on Tuesdays - $20.00
Click here for full information for 2025 Netball for Years 1 & 2
Years 3 & 4
games played on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays at either 3.45pm to 4.45pm - $20.00
Click here for full information for 2025 Netball for Years 3 & 4
Years 5 & 6
games played on Saturdays at 9.00am or 10.15am - $60.00
Click here for full information for 2025 Netball for Years 5 & 6
In Term 3 we are invited to play at the Birchwood School Netball Tournament at Saxton Field netball courts. This will involve some of our Year 5 and 6 teams.
Term 1
Mako Rippa Rugby Richmond (played at Jubilee Park on Wednesdays)
Mako Rippa Rugby Tahuna (played at the Tahunanui Playing Fields on Fridays)
Year 1 - 6 children
Games are played either 4.00pm, 4.30pm, 5.00pm or 5.30pm
Click here for more information on Mako Rippa Richmond for Term 1 2025
Click here for more information on Mako Rippa Tahuna for Term 1 2025
In Term 2 the Nelson Rugby Union run the Richmond/Waimea Plains Rippa tournament which is held at Henley School. This involves our Year 5 & 6 children. The top two teams from this tournament go to the Regional Rippa Rugby finals.
Terms 2 and 3
Rugby is run through local clubs. Some of the local clubs are as follows:
Waimea Old Boys JAB (based at Richmond, Jubilee Park) https://www.waimeaoldboysrfc.com
Wanderers JAB (based in Brightwater) www.wandererssports.co.nz or email sportwanderers@xtra.co.nz
Stoke Rugby Club (based in Stoke) contact Chris Little at 027 713 6195
Click here for more information regarding the Table Tennis programme being run from Saxton Stadium.
Monday afternoon games at Saxton Field, 4.30pm to 5.15pm
T-Ball - Years 1-4
Softball - Years 5/6
No cost
Registration with Nelson Softball is compulsory - use this link http://www.nelsonsoftball.org.nz/registrations/ClubSchool-List-1
Click here for Term 1 T-Ball/Softball information
Visit the Nelson United Softball website for more information www.sporty.co.nz/nelsonunitedsoftball/ or email any enquiries to nelsonunitedsoftball@gmail.com
Tennis is run from the Tasman Tennis Club on Gladstone Road in Richmond. Head coach Kolie van Zyl runs coaching programmes throughout the year. He can be contacted by email at kolievz@yahoo.com or at 027 829 3306.
Term 4
Years 1 - 6 children
Games are played on Wednesdays (Waimea Junior Touch at Jubilee Park, Richmond - games start at 3.30pm) and Fridays (Tahunanui Junior Touch at Tahunanui Playing Fields - games start at 4.00pm)
Cost is $17.50 per player
Please click here for more information on the Friday Touch at the Tahunanui playing fields
Please click here for more information on the Wednesday Touch at Jubilee Park
Terms 1 & 4
Year 3 - 6 children
Games are played at Saxton Stadium on Mondays
Games will take place between 4.00pm and 6.30pm
Allan Brodie can be contacted at 027 485 7336 or by email at region@tasmanvolley.org.nz
Please click here for more information on the Term 1 2025 volleyball
Information on Individual Sports
The following is an alphabetical list of sports that children can take part in. Some sports are organised through the school and others are club based and some have their own websites where you can find draws and cancellations. The following list contains all the information you need.
(Subscription amounts are subject to change)