Henley School Trustees
Board of Trustees
Andrew Dell (Presiding Member)
Ashley Unuka
Erin Sheehan
Hannah Schluter
Carolyn Wright (Staff Trustee)
John Armstrong (Principal)
The role of the Board of Trustees is to govern the school. Elections take place every three years and the next election will take place in 2025.
For more information on the Board of Trustees click on this link to the New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) website.
The Henley School Board's meetings are held on Mondays twice a term in the Richmond Room in the Learning Centre at 5.30pm. The public are welcome to attend. Dates of these meetings are advertised in our Newsletter and Calendar of Events.
The Strategic Plan, Annual Implementation Plan and Annual Audited Accounts are available for download from this website. Policy Statements (contained in the Board of Trustees Governance Handbook) and meeting minutes are available at the school office.
The School's fortnightly newsletter regularly has updates from the Board of Trustees.